Updated: November 27, 2022

9 Benefits of Having Fun at Work

You found our list of benefits of having fun at work.

Having fun at work covers a wide range of possible experiences that provides amusement and enjoyment to employees. These benefits include reduced stress levels, more productivity, and better teamwork. Having fun at work is essential to boost productivity, morale, and collaboration.

This article goes with helping employees have fun at work. Fun working environments can increase company job satisfaction statistics and employee retention. Therefore, making work more enjoyable is an effective employee engagement strategy.

This article contains:

  • what does it mean to have fun at work
  • advantages of having fun at work
  • disadvantages of having fun at work
  • how to have fun at work while staying productive
  • fun at work ideas

Here we go!

What does it mean to have fun at work?

Workplace enjoyment usually manifests itself in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Many organizations regularly conduct formal and informal events to boost morale at work. These events show workers how much the management, peers, and the business appreciate their efforts.

Human resources professionals or managers may be responsible for making the office more enjoyable for employees. On the other hand, some businesses divide their workforce into different teams to foster teamwork, camaraderie, and a fun workplace.

A few examples of fun at work ideas include:

  • Games
  • Celebrations
  • Humor
  • Self-development opportunities
  • Contests
  • Casual days
  • Team outings
  • Team-building exercises
  • Award ceremonies
  • Catered food

Managers and workers in enjoyable workplaces actively promote a positive work environment by highlighting the importance of laughter and good spirits. Employees often compliment and celebrate one another’s abilities. In a fun work environment, employees look for the bright side of situations and try to find solutions to problems rather than concentrating on the negatives.

Advantages of having fun at work

A fun workplace offers many benefits to employees, including:

1. Lightens the Workplace Atmosphere

In today’s modern age, workers from the same company or department sometimes compete directly. The atmosphere and stress in the workplace improve when workers are free to relax and enjoy themselves. If you work in an environment with a lot of laughter and good times, then you already know how big of an impact it has on your mood. Having fun at work makes jobs more bearable and may excite folks to come into the office.

2. Promotes Genuine Relationships

An apparent benefit of humor and lightheartedness at work is that it helps employees connect and form lasting bonds on the job. If you get along well with your coworkers, you may even become close friends outside of work. True friends, the kind that will always be there to make you laugh and make you feel better, are few. Building such relationships at the office makes work even more fun.

Check out this list of team bonding ideas.

3. Reduces Staff Members’ Stress Levels at Work

Bringing some lightheartedness and humor into the office may go a long way toward relieving the tension and pressure that many workers feel. As long as it is all in good fun, top executives and corporate heads do not have to worry. Having fun at work aids in lifting the workers’ spirits so they may focus on doing their best rather than feeling weighed down by worries. This relief can have a ripple effect, as calm team members cause less stress and unpleasantness for coworkers.

Here is a list of employee stress management ideas.

4. Helps Workers Create Lasting Memories

Rather than spending their entire working lives at a single company, most employees rotate through several different employers throughout their careers. This approach allows workers to gain experience in various fields of expertise while developing personally and professionally.

When employees leave one firm for another, they take with them their successes and the memories they made with their coworkers and colleagues during their time at the previous firm. Therefore, having a good time and laughing it up at work is beneficial because it encourages positive memories and can help folks think fondly of past jobs and feel more optimistic about future careers.

5. Improves Teamwork Among Employees

Staff members always try to give their utmost to accomplish the tasks assigned to them, and they do their best to provide high-quality results no matter the difficulty or urgency of the situation. Employees will benefit much from working together as a team. It is nice to have some friendly rivalry, but it should not go out of hand. Having a sense of humor and lightheartedness in the office is very beneficial since it encourages employees to collaborate and think like a single unit.

Check out more ways to improve team cooperation.

6. Minimizes Animosity and Disagreement Among Staff Members

Discord and animosity in the workplace are draining. Having a sense of humor and lightheartedness in the workplace helps employees relax and be themselves. The senior or manager at the company should promote fun in the workplace so that employees can collaborate instead of working independently from their cubicles. Ill will between employees is detrimental to the success of the company.

Here is a list of conflict avoidance activities.

7. Strengthens Bonds Among Employees

Using fun and lighthearted activities at work may go a long way toward breaking the ice and strengthening bonds among coworkers. Without the walls of mistrust between workers, employees will feel more comfortable talking to one another, from the most mundane to the most serious issues they face at work or in their personal lives. You can achieve inspiring results when workers set aside distractions and pool their resources to find novel approaches to old challenges.

8. Less Absenteeism

When workplace morale is low due to an oppressive environment, productivity plummets, and no employee wants to show up for work. Knowing that there is the office’s sense of humor and camaraderie to lift their moods helps employees look forward to Monday mornings much more than they otherwise could.

9. Promotes an Optimistic Outlook

Having such a great and accommodating environment at work, with enjoyable office activities and humor amongst colleagues, inspires the staff to achieve their best at all times. The workplace may drag on certain days, and it may feel like no time is passing at all. However, a pleasant environment can help you forget about the passage of time and enjoy the rest of your workday. Only by working in such an environment can you realize what a privilege it is.

Disadvantages of having fun at work

As great as a fun workplace sounds, it also has its downsides. The following are some disadvantages of fun and humor in the workplace.

1. Less Focus on the Work at Hand

As the saying goes, “everything in moderation.” If there is too much fun and humor in the office, then workers may spend too much time making light of one another and the job at hand. Although it is excellent when workers are happy and get along with each other, they are not getting paid to joke around at work.

2. Chaos and Indiscipline in the Office

Discipline and quiet do not coexist with office fun and humor. There will always be noise and confusion in the workplace so long as employees are cracking jokes and having a good time. Companies have investors and top business entrepreneurs coming through the doors throughout the day. If they see such laxness in the workplace, they will likely get an unfavorable opinion of the company. As the company’s manager or owner, you have to decide whether you want to risk losing out on some great opportunities because your employees are having a good time.

3. Some Employees Might Feel Uncomfortable

It is pretty common for individuals to hurt others’ feelings while joking unwittingly. Some employees have thick skin and can tolerate playful jabs, while others are easily offended and react strongly.

Therefore, it is sometimes preferable to set guidelines to prevent potential conflict. For example, if there are many jokes about one employee, in particular, that individual may start to feel uneasy and withdraw from the group.

One of the most significant drawbacks of having fun and comedy at work is that there is always one worker who ends up as the punchline to everyone’s jokes. To avoid interpersonal issues, it helps to set guidelines so that employees know what constitutes taking fun too far.

How to have fun at work while staying productive

There is no greater asset than your staff members. Therefore, it is important to ensure your staff members enjoy their work. Additionally, you should seek to inspire our staff to maximize their output without overburdening them. You can take care of your staff and motivate them to perform more by creating a positive work atmosphere. The following are ways to lighten up the workplace and keep productivity high.

1. Create a Fun Room

Maintaining your team’s enthusiasm and energy requires that you encourage them to take frequent breaks. Naturally, you want your employees to leave their workstations during breaks. You can try to provide a pleasant ‘breakout room’ where they may go to unwind. For example, your fun room could have a couch, picnic table, and board games. If workers need a break or a change of environment, they can move their laptops to the room and work from the couch. Games can brighten your employees’ moods and offer new ideas to consider during the break.

Check out this list of office game room ideas.

2. Go on Team Outings

You can spend quality time together as a group by scheduling frequent outings. Team building exercises that include socializing outside of the office can increase the likelihood of productive cooperation when employees return to the workplace. Your team outings can be fun and fantastic team-building activities. It is crucial to network with coworkers to build a cooperative atmosphere.

If you cannot connect with your employees on a personal level and establish productive partnerships, your business may take a hit. Spending time together outside of work will improve your ability to talk to each other, trust each other, and collaborate effectively.

Here is a list of company offsite ideas.

3. Promote Friendships

There is more to getting to know your employees than Friday happy hours and occasional team-building exercises. , According to a 2018 Gallup poll, employees with a “best buddy” at work are twice more engaged and productive than others. In addition, building relationships with coworkers may help foster a “compassionate love” culture, which, according to a study in Harvard Business Review, is associated with greater job satisfaction, more cooperation, and fewer sick days.

4. Decorate the Workplace

Your workplace is where you will be spending a significant part of your workdays. Thus it is crucial that you like spending time there. It is essential to create a pleasant environment for your staff if you want them to take pride in their job. The workplace’s appearance conveys information about your company. You can keep your team in sync with your brand by decorating in line with the company’s aesthetic. For instance, a filthy, cluttered workplace will not help your workforce feel in line with your vision if your company takes pleasure in its simplicity. You can make the decoration a team effort.

5. Celebrate Milestones

One of the most influential factors on employee satisfaction and output in the workplace is the “progress principle,” according to Teresa M. Amabile, one of the world’s top business researchers. Meaningful progress at work often makes a difference in an employee’s day. Meaningful progress is not always a major breakthrough. Rather, the activity only needs to be of value to the individual doing it. Providing a valuable service or superior product to consumers is a typical example. A happy team is one in which members feel like they are contributing and clearly understand their value to the organization.

Here is a list of employee milestones to celebrate.

6. Get an Office Pet

Recent studies have shown that having an office dog may help boost productivity, lower stress, and encourage workers to talk to one another. Another study found that employees who had a dog in the office rated their coworkers better on trust, team cohesiveness, and closeness than others who had no pets. Having a pet at work helps improve communication and teamwork. Having a dog at the workplace increases both happiness and productivity, and thus, office pets can be a fun add to the workplace.

Check out this list of the best office pets.

7. Share Drinks

Your employees each bring a unique value to the table. At the close of the work week, preferably on Friday afternoon, you can have a round table talk where your employees share a recent challenge or a new piece of technology they found. The goal is to share their experience and help the rest of the team benefit from it. Sharing ideas over a few drinks at the end of the week is a great way to unwind.

Check out more work happy hour ideas.

8. Encourage Feedback from Peers

It is pretty unlikely that the manager is fully aware of or comprehends the breadth of their employees’ daily responsibilities. You can consider peer-to-peer feedback to ensure every team member receives constructive criticism. You can encourage all members of the team to pitch in and provide one another feedback. Employees can learn from the insights of their colleagues, who have a deeper understanding of their job than they do, and use that knowledge to strengthen their bonds and improve their ability to work together.

9. Promote Hobbies and Interests

Every employee enjoys spending time on a personal interest, so you can consider giving your staff half an hour for that purpose. Engaging in personal interests or hobbies is fun to unwind, get some energy back, and connect as a group. Reading, scrapbooking, model-making, adult coloring books, and even knitting are just a few relaxing hobbies employees can enjoy throughout the workday. In a study of 115 employees, researchers found that 34 percent of participants had reduced stress, 18 percent experienced reduced sadness, and three percent experienced reduced heart rate.


This article highlights some primary benefits and drawbacks of having fun and humor at work. The adage “all work and no play make Jack a dull lad” is valid. Focusing only on your job without ever taking a break may be counterproductive. However, balancing keeping the atmosphere light and entertaining at the workplace and going overboard and alienating your coworkers is essential. Fun and humor at work are entirely appropriate when used lightly and without intending to offend anyone’s sensitivities.

For more ideas, check out these lists of fun office games, large group icebreaker games, connection games, relationship-building games, and problem-solving games.

FAQ: Benefits of having fun at work

Here are frequently asked questions about having fun at work.

What are the benefits of having fun at work?

Making the workplace enjoyable for workers has several positive effects, including reduced stress, increased output and creativity, and increased employee engagement. These effects are beneficial for your company’s bottom line over time, as well as career prospects.

Why is it important for employees to have fun at work?

There are many positive outcomes achievable by creating a fun and engaging work environment for yourself and your team. Having a good time helps relieve tension. In addition to boosting morale, this has the potential to raise output in the workplace.

How do you know if employees are having fun at work?

Employees tend to be happier and more invested in their job when they have fun at work. When workers invest more in their jobs, they tend to feel more invested in the results they produce. Such employees are less likely to let personal problems affect their performance at work, and they are less likely to become disengaged due to traumatic occurrences outside of work.

Why should work be fun?

If workers are given more opportunities to have fun at work, they will feel more appreciated and, in turn, more loyal to their employer. In addition, happier workers are less likely to quit their jobs. As a result, your company’s retention rates will increase, saving money on recruitment efforts.

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People & Culture Director at teambuilding.com.
Grace is the Director of People & Culture at TeamBuilding. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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